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Immigration To China 2024 | China Visas Requirements

Are you interested in living in China Maybe you prefer Asian culture to European, and who knows, immigration to China may be your biggest dream? 
No wonder, China sits on the throne of the greatest economic powers in the world, as well as its rich history and ancient civilization. 

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Immigration To China
This makes it a special destination that many people want. Today we bring to your hands, the most comprehensive guide on immigration to China, which includes all the information you will need to make this step. 
Starting from obtaining a visa and finding a suitable job opportunity, up to getting permanent residence in China. Just continue reading!

1. General Facts About China

Here are a few quick facts that are useful to know if you intend to immigrate to China, or even for the purpose of tourism or study: 
  1. China is the third largest country in the world after Russia and Canada. 
  2. China is the world's first country in terms of population, with a population of 1.4 billion people. 
  3. Despite its large area and huge population, China is located within the one-time zone (UTC +8). 
  4. Many practical and useful inventions have their origin in China, including gunpowder, kites, Compass...Etc. While black is the color of mourning and mourning for the dead in most regions of the world.
  5. White is the color of mourning in China. Also, the red color expresses good luck and is often worn on happy occasions and celebrations. 
  6. The Chinese love to drink tea very much, some even believe that tea was discovered by Emperor Shennong in 2737 BC when a leaf of tea fell into his cup of boiling water! 
  7. Today, China is experiencing wildly accelerated economic growth with a significant expansion of the middle class and the level of urbanization.
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2. Practical information about China 

Before traveling to China, you also need to find out some quick and practical information about this great country, below is a collection of such information:
  • Chinese Yuan Renminbi, abbreviated RMB 
Languages used: 
  • The primary language is Chinese or Mandarin as well as many other dialects. 
Widespread religions: 
  • Buddhism by 18%, Christianity by 5%, and Islam by 1.8%. The remaining percentage do not have a clear religious orientation. 
Dominant nationalities: 
  • There are several nationalities in China, but the majority of them are Han or Han people with 91.5% of the population. 
Main cities: 
  • Shanghai, 
  • Beijing, 
  • Chongqing, 
  • Tianjin, 
  • Quanzhou, 
  • Shenzhen.

3. Pros and cons of immigration to China

Well, maybe you are not yet sure how much you want to emigrate to China, and you need some kind of comparison of the pros and cons of this country to make up your mind. 
Don't worry, what you are looking for is in today's article! We have compiled for you a list of the most important positives that push you to make the decision to emigrate to China, as well as the negatives that may discourage you from this decision. 
You can balance the two hands, and then decide whether to go or not! 

Pros of immigration to China 

Chinese cuisine is world-famous, and ex-pats can enjoy a lot of delicious dishes at much lower prices than in their own countries. The food is often fresh, and there is a wide selection of exotic fruits for you to choose from. 
The Chinese are very hospitable (and also curious). While visitors may not prefer this very much, they will often find themselves the focus of attention, and they may even get special treatment a lot of the time. 
It's easy to get to know the Chinese and build friendships with them. They like to have fun, and social relationships are an important aspect of their daily lives.
China doesn't just mean a bunch of big cities, it also has a lot to offer on a natural level, from forests, mountains, and charming beaches. Some of the most important places to visit are the Himalayan mountain range, the Li River, and, of course, the Great Wall of China. 
You can find almost everything in China at a much lower price than the wholesale price you know in your country, from clothes and shoes to electronics, to household items...Everything is there. 

Due to the city's tremendous economic growth, there are many job opportunities available in China for newcomers, especially those with university degrees and technical training certificates. 
Wages for apartments and houses in China are low, and you can rent a large European-style house at a very reasonable price. 
Girls who emigrate to China very much enjoy the low prices of cosmetics, as well as the costs of beauty salons, which are widespread in all cities and even in small villages. 
If you are a fashion lover, you will be very happy, because in China you can tailor clothes that match the latest international designs, and at prices that are much lower than the original price.

Cons of immigration to China 

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It is worth noting that these minuses came based on the opinions of many ex-pats currently residing in China, and may not necessarily apply to you: 

  1. Due to the large industrial activity in China, and its large population, China is at the forefront of the world in terms of pollution ratios. Especially air and water pollution. The sky is mostly gloomy in big cities even on clear sunny days. However, pollution levels gradually decrease when moving away from major cities. 
  2. If you are looking for tranquility, China may not be the right destination for you. Because even in small towns or villages you will find many sounds coming from different sources that will probably be annoying for you. 
  3. Many ex-pats complain about the low level of Hygiene and etiquette in China. 
  4. You can find many European hospitals in China, but they are expensive and if you visit a Chinese doctor, you will be urged to turn to alternative medicine instead of offering medicines. 
  5. Tap water is not safe to drink, and many also complain about the undesirable effects of water on the skin, hair, and clothes. 
  6. Many Chinese foods contain monosodium glutamate, a substance that is banned in Western countries as a carcinogen and causes many other diseases. 
  7. Due to the low level of hygiene, and great congestion in China, it is often home to many deadly epidemics. 
  8. Getting a visa to China requires a lot of paperwork, and many feel that they are spinning in vicious circles trying to finalize these transactions. 
  9. There is a big difference in gender equality, and this is clearly visible in salaries or job positions. 
  10. Due to the high percentage of pollution, summer temperatures in big cities are very high and unbearable, especially in the absence of air conditioning. 
  11. Internet activity is monitored everywhere in China. Many ex-pats complain that they feel disconnected from the rest of the world because many websites and social networks are blocked in China (such as Facebook or some popular news sites).
How To Get China visas and how to find a work
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4. Types of visas and how to find work in China

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Immigration To Canada
Like other countries in the world, there are several types of Chinese visas. It varies depending on your purpose for visiting and traveling to this country. 

But it is worth noting that the procedure for obtaining a visa is quite complicated and requires a lot of paperwork. So you have to be patient and whip. 
So let's get acquainted with the most important types of Chinese visas, and the conditions for obtaining each of them: 

1. Tourist visa: L Visa 

Most visitors coming to China for tourism purposes will need to obtain this tourist visa or the L Visa. This visa, in addition to the transit visa or the G Visa, is the only visa that does not require prior approval by the government, certain companies, or academic institutions.

Conditions for obtaining a tourist visa L Visa: 

To obtain such a visa, applicants must prepare the following documents: 
  • A passport is valid for at least 6 months. 
  • Special submission request. 
  • Personal photos. 
  • A guide about their destination in China and proof that they will return to their country. 
  • Proof that they have sufficient funding. 
  • Permission to leave from the applicant's place of work in his country. 
  • Residence permit (in case the applicant resides in a country other than his native country). 
The application process must be carried out at the Chinese Embassy in the applicant's country in person. If he is unable to do this personally, he can assign an agent (person or agency) to represent him in this.. 

2. Student visa: X Visa 

Studying in China is a great and fairly easy way to immigrate to China, because obtaining a study visa is easier than other visas.

You can apply to study in China, look for a job after the end of the study period, and then transfer your residence permit to another appropriate residence permit that guarantees you a permanent stay in China.

Conditions for obtaining an X Visa student visa: 

The X Visa study visa is granted to students wishing to study in China for 6 months or more. In this case, the applicant must submit the following documents: 

  • Acceptance letter from a university or academic institution in China. 
  • Health certificates prove that the applicant is free of diseases. 
  • The applicant's academic record at his current university or school. 

It is worth noting that holders of a study visa, can not work in China while studying. But they can apply for a job after graduation, for which their visas are also transferred.

3. Work visa: Z Visa 

All those wishing to work in China must apply for a work visa or the Z Visa. This is done by the Chinese head of labor, as he must fulfill a set of conditions, and his company must also be authorized to hire foreign expertise.

Conditions for obtaining a work visa Z Visa: 

This visa is the most common among applicants who are teachers of English as a second language and, in general, they need to meet the following conditions:

  • Possess a university degree. 
  • Have at least two years of experience in teaching. 
  • Between the ages of 24-65 for males and 24-55 for females. 
It is worth noting that the employer is the one who guarantees the applicant a work permit in addition to a special letter that is sent with the application for this visa. 
This visa is valid for only 30 days, and foreigners must apply for a temporary residence permit as soon as they arrive in China. 


if the applicant for a work visa wishes to travel with his family, in this case, family members can also apply for an S1 or S2 visa (visas for visitors wishing to visit foreign relatives in China), but provided that proof of kinship between them is provided. /

4. Business visa: F Visa

This visa is obtained in only one way, namely by receiving a special invitation. It is intended for foreigners who are personally invited to do any of the following: 
  1. Exchanges and non-commercial business. 
  2. Scientific research. 
  3. Cultural exchanges. 
  4. Attend academic seminars. 
  5. Participation in sports events. 
Although this visa is called a business visa, it does not allow the holder to work under the management of a Chinese employer while in China. 

Conditions for obtaining a business visa F Visa: 

Applicants for such a visa need: 
  • An invitation letter from an institution or host in China. 
  • Confirmation letter of acceptance of the invitation. 
  • Information related to the entity that sent the invitation to the applicant. 

5. Business visa: M visa 

As the name indicates, it is a visa granted to those wishing to enter China for the purpose of trade. 
As for the conditions, they are similar to the conditions for obtaining a business visa F Visa, but the applicant also needs a license proving that he is the owner of a business, or that he is the primary investor in it

5. Permanent residence in China and Chinese citizenship

Well, having familiarized yourself with the most important types of visas that allow you to enter China, now let's dwell on what types of residence permits you can get, which allow you to immigrate to China.

In fact, applying for a temporary or permanent residence permit or even Chinese citizenship is done after arriving in China, and the procedure for obtaining a residence permit is often very complicated, so it is always preferable that the employer takes care of the application process. 

1. Temporary residence permit

Once you arrive in China, you will have 30 days to be able to apply for a temporary residence permit. This is actually an extension of your visa. 
This residence permit differs from a visa in that it allows you to freely enter and exit China at any time. As for its duration, it is usually granted for 5 years. 

Note:  Each application is handled individually and separately, and what may work for one applicant may be rejected for another applicant. So it is difficult to generalize the conditions for accepting an application or the reasons for its refusal. /

After arriving in China, arrivals have a 24-hour deadline, during which they must inform the nearest police station of their presence in the region as new residents. 
This is mandatory, and if ignored, it may hinder the process of obtaining a residence permit, and sometimes it may lead to deportation from China. 

After that, a comprehensive medical examination of the applicants is carried out to make sure that they are free of communicable and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis or pulmonary diseases. In addition to blood tests, the results of which are attached to the application for the residence permit. 

Applicants must then go to the Ministry of foreign affairs for an interview during which their identity will be confirmed and all required documents will be submitted along with the application. 

The process of reviewing the application for a temporary residence permit takes between 10 days and 6 weeks. Applicants are not allowed to leave the country during this period.

2. Permanent residence 

A permanent residence permit is granted to a specific group of persons who meet one of the following conditions: 

  • The husband/wife is a Chinese citizen with Chinese citizenship. 
  • Applicants who have a permanent job with an indefinite contract. 
  • Dependents of holders of permanent residence permit in China or Chinese citizenship. 
A foreign investor, as in this case must prove that he has invested in China for 3 consecutive years, and have a detailed tax record as proof of this. 

As for the amount of investment that is accepted to obtain a residence permit, it is as follows: 

  • An investment of 5 500 thousand or more in the Chinese industry. 
  • An investment of 500 thousand dollars or more in Western China. 
  • An investment of one million dollars or more in central China. 
  • A total investment of 2 $ million or more. 
In addition, applicants must provide proof of a health test proving that they are free of diseases, and criminal records from all countries where they have resided in the past 12 months, proving their good conduct and the absence of any charges against them. 

3. Chinese nationality 

Obtaining Chinese citizenship is, of course, possible, despite its great complexity and difficulty. But Chinese law does not allow multiple nationalities, meaning that if you apply for Chinese citizenship, you will have to renounce your citizenship.
This is something that many foreigners in China reject, as they prefer to retain their country's citizenship, of course.

Thus, we have put in your hands a comprehensive guide on how to obtain the appropriate visa that enables you to immigrate to and permanently reside in China. 

Studying in China may be the best option for you to start your journey in this special country, and then move to live permanently in it.

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