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Arrima Canada Immigration 2024 | ARRIMA Requirements and Registration | All Steps from A to Z

Canada is among the most popular immigration destinations in the world, offering exceptional opportunities for individuals seeking a better life, work, and personal growth. Recently, the Canadian government introduced the Arrima system, an advanced electronic platform designed to facilitate the selection of qualified immigrants eligible for permanent residency in Canada. This article provides a comprehensive look at how to register through the Arrima system, along with all the essential requirements and information needed for prospective immigrants.
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The Arrima system, introduced by the Canadian government, has streamlined the process of selecting qualified immigrants for permanent residency. 
In this article, you will find all the necessary information on conditions, registration steps, fees, required documents, and other essential details for a successful immigration journey through Arrima and 
at the end  you`ll find very important Arrima Frequently Asked Questions

Part 1: What is Arrima System?

Arrima, short for "Application for Permanent Residence using Arrima," is an electronic online platform developed by the Canadian government designed to manage the selection of skilled immigrants based on a points-based system. 
The system assesses an applicant's qualifications, work experience, language proficiency, and other factors to determine eligibility for Canadian permanent residency.

Part 2: Arrima Conditions for Eligibility

Before beginning the registration process, applicants must ensure they meet the following essential eligibility criteria:

  1. Possess relevant work experience in an eligible occupation
  2. Meet the minimum language proficiency requirements in English or French
  3. Have completed post-secondary education or equivalent
  4. Demonstrate adequate financial resources to support themselves and their family in Canada
  5. No serious criminal convictions or medical conditions that could pose a risk to public health or safety

Arrima Essential Requirements for the Immigrant:

Certificates and Documents:
Applicants must submit supporting certificates and documents for their educational qualifications and work experience. These include passports, academic degrees, and work experience certificates.
Language Proficiency Certificate:
English and French are the official languages in Canada. Immigrants need to provide evidence of proficiency in either language by passing recognized tests such as IELTS or TEF.
Work Experience:
Work experience is a crucial factor in the immigration process. Applicants should present an updated resume outlining their professional experiences.

Financial Stability:
The system may require proof of sufficient financial resources to support successful integration into Canadian society.

Part 3: Required Documents

Applicants need to gather and submit various documents, including but not limited to:

  • Passport and other travel documents
  • Language proficiency test results (IELTS, TEF, etc.)
  • Educational credentials, diplomas, and transcripts
  • Reference letters from previous employers
  • Proof of financial capacity
  • Police clearance certificates
  • Medical examination reports
How to Register in Arrima System?
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Part 4: How to Register in Arrima System? 

Arrima Registration Process - Step by Step
Arrima Eligibility Check:
The first step in the registration process is to verify eligibility. Prospective immigrants must determine if they meet the basic criteria for immigration to Canada. Applicants should start by assessing their eligibility using the Arrima system's points calculator (Click to understand more). These criteria include work experience, educational qualifications, language proficiency, and financial capabilities.

Create an Arrima Account:
After confirming eligibility, applicants must create an account in the Arrima system. This entails providing personal information and submitting valid identification documents. (Click here to see how)
Arrima Profile Submission:
Applicants will be required to input detailed information regarding their work, educational, and personal background into the system. Honesty and accuracy are crucial when providing this information.
Complete all sections of the online profile accurately, providing detailed information about work experience, educational background, language proficiency, and other personal details.

Arrima Express Entry Profile:
Applicants must create an Express Entry profile and submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to the Quebec government through the Arrima platform.

Arrima Selection and Invitation:
The Quebec government regularly reviews the submitted profiles and issues invitations to apply for a Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) to those with high scores based on the points system.

Application for CSQ:
Applicants who receive an invitation must submit their application for a CSQ Certificate of Selection of Quebec) and required supporting documents to the Quebec government.

Obtaining a CSQ:
Upon successfully assessing the CSQ application, applicants receive a Certificate of Selection of Quebec, allowing them to proceed with the Canadian permanent residency application.

5. Steps to apply to the Arima Arrima program 

  1. Apply and fill out the application on the official website of Arima i.e. open an account on the platform, which is valid only for 12 months
  2. Get an official invitation from Quebec
  3. Submit a CSQ application with the required documents and send it for processing
  4. Checking and processing the CSQ file
  5. Obtaining the Quebec CSQ selection certificate
  6. Submit a federal application for a permanent resident visa
  7. Passing a medical examination 
  8. Obtaining a visa along with proof of permanent residence in Canada. 

6. Arrima Fees and Costs

The immigration process through Arrima incurs several fees, including:

  • Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) application fee
  • Permanent residency application fee
  • Language proficiency test fees
  • Educational credential assessment fees
  • Medical examination fees
  • Other miscellaneous costs

What are the criteria based on which Arrima migrants are selected

To apply for immigration to Canada and travel to the province of Quebec Québec via Arima, there are some criteria that you should take into account to apply for this program. Below you can familiarize yourself with these criteria:
  • The age is considered
  • The educational level is considered
  • Practical experiences are considered
  • Your knowledge of English or French is considered (this will be important after you are accepted and apply for residence)
  • Whether you have a notarized and certified employment contract is considered by the Ministry of Immigration of Canada
  • To have self-sufficiency in the file

FAQ: Arrima Frequently Asked Questions

What is the next step after applying for immigration to the province of Quebec through Arima?

  1. Either you will be selected and sent an official invitation letter, and then complete the procedure for obtaining permanent residence in Quebec Canada
  2. In case of refusal, you will have to wait for a year and apply again

How long after admission is required to apply for permanent residence

You will have 60 days to submit the official application.

Is it possible to update my online registered information?

One of the most important features of this program is that you can edit the data that you have entered before. But when accepting your application and starting to apply for permanent residence, it will be difficult to edit any data.

Can a family member (such as a wife) submit a separate application at application Arrima

Any member of your family can apply separately from the application you have submitted.

What is the expected date for sending invitations to those accepted into the immigration program to Quebec?

It is possible to send invitations for admission in a short time because it depends on the needs of the province of Quebec for workers. It is better to follow the section on invitations from the official website on the arrima Invitation Arrima platform.

This was all the information about the Arima program and participation in it for those who want to obtain permanent residence in Canada through the province of Quebec.


Immigrating to Canada through the Arrima system is an exciting opportunity for skilled individuals seeking a better life and career prospects. Understanding the eligibility conditions, registration process, required documents, and associated fees is essential for a smooth immigration journey. Aspiring immigrants should prepare diligently, seek professional advice if needed, and follow the guidelines provided by the Quebec government to increase their chances of success in obtaining Canadian permanent residency.

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