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Immigration To South Korea 2024 | South Korean Visas Requirements

South Korea is one of those countries that is more like a mystery to many, but nevertheless, it is a real example of a great success story. 
Not so long ago, South Korea was an immigrant country, in the sense that its population was migrating a lot from it, sending many workers such as farmers, miners, or domestic workers to countries where the demand exceeded the supply of such jobs.
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Immigration To South Korea

Your best Guide to living and working in Korea
Be that as it may, Today South Korea has become one of the richest countries in Asia, which exports not only workers but also many quality products such as Samsung Electronics, Hyundai cars, Kia, and others. 
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If the culture of this country appeals to you, and you find yourself wanting to emigrate to South Korea, then you have come to the right place, because in this article, we will give you the Comprehensive Guide to working and permanently living in Korea. Just keep reading!

Quick Facts about South Korea

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Here are a bunch of quick facts about South Korea, which are useful to know whether you want to immigrate to Korea, or wish to travel with the intention of Tourism only: 
  1. The population of South Korea is 51.5 million people. 
  2. South Korea retains its rich cultural roots, which are strongly manifested through festivals and celebrations. 
  3. South Korea is located in the middle of three wonderful countries: China, Japan, and North Korea. It is bordered to the West by the Yellow Sea, to the South by the Korean Strait, and to the right by the Sea of Japan. 
  4. South Korea is famous for its mountainous nature and the abundance of pine trees in it, which makes it very scenic, especially in autumn. 
  5. Over the past sixty years, South Korea has flourished on a wonderful journey to recover from its turbulent past, and the United States of America (its permanent ally) helped it end the civil conflict in 1953, a victory that brought it independence and separation from North Korea.
  6. The non-inter-Korean relationship continues its permanent unpredictable cycle ranging from brotherly tolerance at times, to outright hostility at other times. 
  7. Seoul, the Korean capital, is the largest city in South Korea. 
  8. The proud Korean heritage makes up a huge part of modern life in the country. Korean traditions are widely followed and respected in the country, and the Korean people are known for their great pride.
  9. His diligence in work, as well as their extreme loyalty to their homeland.

Practical information about South Korea

Before thinking about emigrating to South Korea, you also need to know some important and practical information about this country, which we can summarize below:
  • South Korean won, abbreviated as KRW. 
Languages spoken: 
  • Korean, in addition to the prevalence of English as a second language. 
  • The most common religions are Buddhism (23%), and Christianity with its Catholic and Protestant denominations (29%), while the remaining percentage (46%) is unspecified or does not profess any religion. 
Dominant nationalities: 
  • 99% of the population of South Korea are Korean Asians, which makes this country one of the most ethnically homogeneous countries in the world. 
Major cities: 

  • Seoul, 
  • Busan, 
  • Incheon, 
  • Daegu 
  • Very hot and humid during the summer (between May and August), 
  • Very cold with snowy winters (between November and March), 
  • A short flowering spring (March/ April), and a beautiful autumn (September/ October).

Pros and cons of immigration to South Korea

Before deciding to emigrate anywhere in the world, you always need to make some kind of comparison between the pros and cons of this country, which will help you to make a better decision. 
The following is a list of the most important pros of South Korea that may push you to travel to it and the cons that you may find as a reason to abandon the idea of emigrating to South Korea.

The pros of immigration to South Korea

1. High standard of living 

The high standard of living in South Korea is one of the most important points of attraction for immigrants, as manifestations of poverty are not a common sight, and many government resources are available to support needy families. 
An ordinary citizen of South Korea can own a car, and a smartphone (and two), he can also afford to dress fashionably and have decent entertainment. Doesn't that sound like an enticing standard of living that anyone would want? 

2. Modern infrastructure 

Modern infrastructures and outstanding public transport networks make life in South Korea more attractive. Public transport is clean, efficient, and punctual. Travelers also have multiple options at affordable prices, which makes it possible to easily move around the country.

3. Modern technologies 

South Korea adores modern technology in all its forms, from fully automated security systems to an online shopping industry supported by strong customer service. 

4. A strong education system 

Education is a major priority throughout the country, and the Korean government invests a lot of resources in this sector. 
Obtaining an honors degree from an academic educational institution in Korea is very important not only for the student himself but also for his family and his position in society. 

5. Security and Safety 

South Korea has very low running rates, even petty crimes are almost non-existent even in the heart of big cities. 

6. Distinctive archaeological sites 

South Korea has at least 10 UNESCO World Heritage sites and boasts a wide variety of tourist areas that are worth seeing.

Cons of immigration to South Korea

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UK Visa Requirements
It is worth noting that the following disadvantages are the opinions of some ex-pats currently residing in South Korea, and may not necessarily apply to you: 

1. The rigid educational system 

One of the positive features of South Korea is its heavy emphasis on education. However, this may also have a negative side, which may alienate some from the idea of emigrating to Korea and settling there. 
The principle that prestigious education is the key to success, weighs heavily on the lives of young people, and contrary to the West's view that inclusive education (which balances academic study, sports, and extracurricular activities) is of great importance, Koreans focus on outstanding academic performance, which makes the educational system so rigid that some may not tolerate it. 

2. Suffocating congestion 

With a population of almost 50 million in a country with a relatively small area, it is undoubtedly expected that there will be a lot of traffic jams and queues everywhere and at different times. Which can be annoying and alienating for some, especially those who prefer a quiet lifestyle. 

3. Tired work culture 

Koreans work extremely long hours, and in many corporate cultures, employees are expected to stay in the office until the boss leaves. 
Or go to dinner with co-workers and managers and stay up late at night with them. It is undoubtedly a life system that may be difficult for some to endure and adapt to what. 

4. ongoing differences with North Korea 

The ongoing differences between the two Koreas prevent many from visiting or immigrating to South Korea. But, apart from the constant bickering between the rulers, most South Koreans do not pay attention to such disagreements. 
How To Get South Korea visas and how to find work
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Types of visas and how to find work in South Korea

South Korea has many visas that allow you to temporarily stay in the country. Work visas alone are divided into more than 8 different types. 

All these types depend on the nature of your skills and competencies, and in case the work in South Korea does not appeal to you, you may want to start your own business there and emigrate via a self-employed work visa. 

First of all, before applying for a visa to South Korea, you should keep in mind that the requirements for obtaining it are high, the application procedure can be a bit confusing, and there are a lot of ways to apply depending on what you want to do in South Korea or what you need to do there. 
The only constant in the process of obtaining a visa to South Korea is its costs. As the costs of obtaining it are fixed and are paid in US dollars, prices change in one case is the number of entries you need from your visa. 
Things you need to know about South Korean visas 

  • All foreigners who enter South Korea and wish to stay longer than 90 days are required to register with the immigration authorities within the first three months of their stay. 
  • South Korea sees visas as a recommendation of the consul to allow foreigners to enter the country. This means that even if you have a valid visa to South Korea, this does not guarantee your entry into the country, and the customs officer can refuse your entry if he has convincing reasons. 
  • The validity period of Korean visas is three months after approval. The applicant must go and receive it from the Office of migration services during this period, otherwise, it will become ineffective. 
  • A person cannot enter South Korea during the visa application process, and if they do, their application will be withdrawn and canceled. 

Work visas 

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1. Teacher Visa E-1 Professor Visa 

This visa is intended for expatriates who wish to give lectures or conduct research in their fields of specialization in educational institutions and for stages higher than the college level. 
This multi-entry visa is valid for one year and can be renewed in a year. In some cases, the holder may also be allowed to stay in Korea for as long as necessary, in which case the renewal takes place every five years. 

2. Foreign Language Instructor E-2

This visa is intended for expatriates wishing to teach a foreign language in companies or in schools owned by broadcasting stations, and for higher stages of primary school or in any similar institutes. 
Foreign Language Teaching Assistants for elementary, middle, or high school can qualify for this visa as well. The visa for teachers of foreign languages is granted for two years and can be renewed every two years. 

3. Research Visa E-3

This visa is granted to expatriates who are invited by private or government institutes to conduct research in the fields of Natural Sciences or advanced technology. 
As with the teacher's visa, this e-3 Visa is valid for one year from the date of issue and can be renewed every year, and the holder may sometimes be allowed to stay in South Korea for as long as needed. In this case, the visa is renewed every five years. 

4. Technological guidance Visa E-4 

Expats with experience in the fields of Natural Sciences or high technology, who are invited by government or private organizations or capable to contribute their skills that are not available in Korea, can apply for an E-4 visa. 
The e-4 technology extension visa is a multi-entry visa, which is valid for one year, so it is renewed every of If such a visa is obtained for one entry only, its validity period is reduced to 3 months. 

5. Special professions Visa E-5 

  • Architects, lawyers, doctors, accountants, or any other similar positions can apply for this visa. 

Conditions for obtaining an E-5 visa: 

The applicant must be a holder of an international license. To obtain permission from the Korean government to practice his specialty profession and apply his expertise in the field. 
This visa is considered a multi-entry visa and is valid for one year so it is renewed every year. If only one entry is obtained through this visa, its validity period is reduced to 3 months.

6. Culture and Art Visa E-6  

It is a visa intended for expatriates coming to participate in artistic, musical, and literary activities that include any of the following: Musical concerts. Fashion shows. 
Entertainment activities for hotels and large companies. Sports events. This visa allows multiple entries to South Korea and is valid for one year, so it is renewed every year. 

7. Especially Designed Activities E-7

This visa is intended for expatriates who participate in events organized by the Ministry of Justice of Korea, and in cooperation with a private or government organization. 
This visa allows multiple entries to Korea and has a validity period of one year or 3 years, so it is renewed every year or every 3 years. In the case of obtaining a single-entry visa, its validity period is reduced to 3 months and is renewed annually. 

8. Long-Term Media Coverage Visa D-5 

As the name indicates, they are intended for reporters working for foreign media, as this includes: 

  • Radio broadcasting. 
  • Newspapers. 
  • Magazines. 
And other media. This visa allows only one entry to South Korea, its validity period is 3 months and is renewed annually. 

What are the conditions for obtaining a work visa in South Korea? 
When applying for any of the work visas in South Korea, you will have to attach the following documents: 
  1. The application is complete with two personal photos. 
  2. A copy of the passport. 
  3. A passport is valid for at least 6 months from the date of application. 
  4. Biography. 
  5. A copy of university certificates, and any other academic certificates.
  6. A copy of the employment contract or an original employment letter. 
  7. Job description of the position obtained. 
  8. An invitation letter from a Korean employer. 
  9. A copy of the company's registration certificate. 
  10. A copy of the company's certificate of incorporation. 
  11. A copy of the tax payment certificate and the company's financial statements for the previous tax year. 
  12. Details about foreign employees currently working in the company. 
  13. Application fees. 

  • The South Korean immigration authorities have the full right to request any additional information or documents.

At this point, two basic questions may come to mind: 

  • How do I get all these documents from the certificate of registration of the company or its financial statements...Etc 
  • What if I don't have any job offers to work in South Korea Well, as for your first question, the answer is that you do not need to get these documents because the person who will start the procedure for obtaining your visa is the employer himself. And you will have to send your own documents to him, for the application procedure to be carried out as it should. As for your second question, the answer lies in applying for another type of visa, the D-10 visa. 

9. Job Seeker visa D-10 

If you are eligible for any type of previous visa but do not have any job offer from a company or employer, in this case, you can immigrate to South Korea as a job seeker and apply for a D-10 visa. 
But it is worth noting that the conditions for obtaining such a visa are difficult and complex since you have to meet one of the following criteria: 
  1. The previous boss of your business (your previous company) has appeared on the Fortune 500 list of the richest companies for the last three years. 
  2. Be a graduate of a prestigious university ranked in The Times Higher World University Rankings. 
  3. Have recently graduated (within the last three years) from a Korean university or a Korean state educational institution. 
  4. Has a bachelor's degree or any postgraduate degree, and has completed a research program at a Korean Institute during the previous three years. 
  5. Your abilities and competencies are recognized by the head of the diplomatic mission in your country. 
  • You can apply for this visa if you want to get an internship opportunity in South Korea as well. 

Business visas 

If you want to immigrate to South Korea to continue the career endeavors that you started abroad investing, in this case, you can apply for one of the following special visas: 

  • Intra-company transfer visa D-7, i.e. when you move to work in a branch of your parent company based in South Korea. 
  • Corporate Investment Visa or D-8. 
  • Trade Management visa or D-9. 

Family visas 

All accompanying persons (husband or wife) and underage children from the family of holders of any of the above visas are required to apply for an F-3 visa to be able to stay in South Korea. 
In addition to paying the visa issuance fee, the applicant for such a visa is required to attach the following documents: 
  1. The application is complete. 
  2. Passport. 
  3. A personal photo the size of a passport photo. 
  4. A certificate confirming the nature of the family relationship between the applicant and the person located in South Korea (spouse, son)...Etc.) 
  5. Evidence of the material stability of the breadwinner (certificate of employment, certificates of payment of taxes...etc.). 
Depending on the nature of the application, accompanying persons may be granted a visa that allows them to stay for a period similar to the period of stay of the breadwinner, or they may be granted a single entry visa of 3 months and renewed annually. 

Permanent residence in South Korea 

Although it is difficult to get a permanent residence permit in South Korea, it is not impossible. 
You may need to go through several stages, apply for temporary residence, followed by longer stays, and so on to become eligible to reside in South Korea permanently. 
However, if you have a large capital, or if you are married to a Korean person, you can speed up the process a little. 

Conditions for obtaining a permanent resident visa in South Korea 

To obtain a permanent residence permit in South Korea, you must apply for an F-5 visa, as you must meet one or more of the following conditions:
  1. Invest about 600 million South Korean won (almost 500 thousand US dollars) or more in a Korean business and hire at least 5 local personnel. 
  2. Marriage to a Korean citizen or an F-5 visa holder. 
  3. Obtaining an academic degree in South Korea, whether: 
    • Bachelor's degree in science or technology.
    • A master's degree in any specialty. Take care that the applicant has been a resident of South Korea for at least 3 years, and earns an adequate annual income (higher than the per capita gross national income of the country). 
  4. Get a doctorate in South Korea, and then get a job in the field of high technology. 
  5. Running a business in Korea under a D-4-8 visa for start-ups, making an income of at least 300 South Korean won (approximately 256 thousand US dollars), and personally employing at least two Koreans for at least 6 months. 
  6. You are recognized by the Ministry of Justice, for your outstanding skills in science, pedagogy, culture and arts, sports, and management. 
You may have noticed that the aforementioned work visas do not qualify you for a permanent residence permit in South Korea. 
As we have already explained, after working in Korea with one of the previous visas, you will have to apply for a long-stay visa type F, which in turn will open the way for you to obtain a permanent residence permit. 
The two most common options in this matter are:

  • Visa F-2-7 and 
  • Visa F-2-99
Let's find out more about the conditions for obtaining one of these two types: 

How to get an F-2-7 visa 

The following temporary visa holders can apply for an F-2-7 visa for long-term stay: 

  • Visas E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, E-6, E-7. 
  • Visas D-2, D-5, D-6, D-7, D-8, D-9 and D-10. 
It is worth noting that applying for an F-2-7 visa must be done after one year of working in South Korea. When applying, applicants are evaluated based on a points system, in which they have to get a minimum of 80 points out of 120, and as for the aspects that are taken into account during the evaluation, they are as follows: 

1. age 

The age group from 25 to 30 years old gets the highest percentage of points (25 points), while the age group over 51 years old gets the lowest percentage (15 points). 

2. income 

This is as follows: 
  • If the applicant's income is more than 100 million South Korean won per year (about 85 thousand US dollars), he will receive 10 points
  •  that the applicant's income is less than 20 million South Korean won (about 17 thousand US dollars) per year, he will receive only one point. 

3. Academic qualifications 

The higher the academic qualification, the more points, as a high school diploma will earn you 15 points, while a doctorate will give you between 33 and 35 points depending on the specialty. 

4. Proficiency in the Korean language 

The proficiency level is divided into 6 grades according to the topic Korean proficiency test, where the highest level gets 20 points, and the lowest level gets 10 points. 

5. Social Integration Program 

This is considered one of the easiest ways to get extra points. 
The Immigration and Social Integration Program, or KIIP for short, is a free educational program that helps ex-pats.
Learn the Korean language and adapt to the lifestyle in South Korea. 
Points are awarded here depending on the number of levels completed since the highest mark that can be obtained through the social integration program is 28 points.

6. Additional points 

It can be obtained through volunteering or study experience in South Korea in addition to any job experience abroad. 
The number of bonus points you can get ranges from one to 5 points, and although they are few, they can be decisive in the process of accepting or rejecting your application. 
The validity period of the F-2-7 visa is three years. 

How to get an F-2-99 visa 

In case you cannot fulfill the conditions and criteria for obtaining an F-2-7 visa, in this case, you can try applying for this visa. 
Getting an F-2-99 visa is somewhat easier since it does not involve a special points system, and its prerequisite is the length of stay in South Korea: 

  • Holders of D-1, D-5, D-6, D-7, D-9, E-6-1, E-6-3, F-1, and F-3 visas are required to stay in South Korea for 7 continuous years or more. 
  • For e-1, E-2, E-3, E-4, E-5, and E-7 visa holders, they must stay in South Korea for 5 consecutive years or more. The word "consecutive" or "continuous" means that the holder of this visa should not leave the country for more than one month. 
As for its other conditions, they are as follows: 
  1. The applicant must be of good character (no criminal record, law-abiding, have sufficient income...Etc.). 
  2. The applicant must be at least 18 years old. 
  3. The applicant's family savings should not be less than 30 million Korean won (approximately $ 25,500). 
  4. The applicant's annual income during the previous year should be higher than the per capita value of the country's gross national income. 
  5. The second-level applicant must be from the Kiip immigration and social integration program. 
  • The validity period of this visa ranges from one to 3 years. 

The procedure for applying for permanent residence in South Korea 

Having stayed long enough in the country has applied for several visas and stays, and now it's time for permanent immigration to South Korea. 
You will finally be able to obtain a permanent resident visa F-5. The documents you must submit and the procedures you will follow depend on the nature of the previous visa you hold, but the basic documents include the following: 
  1. Passport. 
  2. Alien Registration Card or ARC for short. 
  3. The application is filled out. 
  4. Proof of income or financial savings (employment contract, salary statement...Etc.). 
  5. The lease agreement. 
  6. Proof of the absence of a criminal record. 
  7. Certificate of enrollment in the Kiip Immigration and Social Integration Program, level five. 
  8. Other documents may be required to prove marital status, academic education, or capital...Etc. 

Advantages of permanent residence in South Korea 

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  1. Permanent residents of South Korea have many advantages, as they can: 
  2. Stay in the country for indefinite periods. 
  3. Change jobs and navigate the Korean labor market without limiters. 
  4. Create their own business absolutely freely. 
  5. Leaving South Korea without the need to obtain permission to re-enter. 
  6. Voting in local elections (3 years after receiving a permanent residence permit). 

Thus, we have put in your hands the Comprehensive Guide to travel and immigration to South Korea, and we have given you a general idea about the various types of visas that qualify you for permanent residence there. 
True, it may seem very difficult and confusing, especially if you have never been abroad, but, undoubtedly, it is not impossible, and the quality of life that you will get when settling in Korea is really worth it. 
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