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What is the IELTS test | everything you need to know about the IELTS test 2024

The IELTS test is the appropriate and optimal option for everyone who wants to study in a country whose official language is English, as it is a test that proves the great ability to understand and communicate in English before starting to study or work.
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IELTS test
We find out in the following article via our website the most important information about the famous IELTS test that people are looking for online, especially that Many educational institutions have their first request to prove the existence of your level of proficiency in English before starting work by testing all language skills and assessment at this time.
Everything you need to know about the IELTS test

What is the IELTS test?

The IELTS test is one of the most essential tests and exams in the world, it is an international English language test system and is classified in order to measure proficiency and ability to communicate in English.
And this test proves the real level of a person in English, whether for work or study, and is the famous English language test that assesses all four language skills listening, speaking, writing, and reading.

So if you need to know more about all the details of all the sections and topics of the IELTS exam, you must read this article that explains all steps in the IELTS exam.

The IELTS or  ‘International English Language Testing System' is the most popular English language proficiency exam in the world. This exam is owned and operated by IDP, the British Council, and Cambridge Assessment and is mainly used for employment, study, and immigration purposes in English-speaking countries.
One of the reasons why the IELTS exam is so popular is that it is widely accepted all over the world. More than 10,000 organizations are already accepting it in more than 140 countries. This includes many organizations, including colleges, universities, schools, as well as governments. It is also acceptable by many professional and industry organizations.

Another reason for the popularity of IELTS is that it is easily available in testing centers around the world. In fact, there are more than 500 test centers in more than 145 countries. In other words, IELTS has more than 200 branches in 50 countries. In addition, you can take the test 48 times a year, which means up to 4 times a month, depending on the country and center where you take the test.

The IELTS test evaluates four English language skills. These include English literacy skills, which include reading and writing, as well as listening and speaking skills, which are spoken English skills. They evaluate your English language skills using various types of questions and assignments. These include multiple-choice questions, questions with short answers, questions for filling out forms and notes, etc. 
There are also assignments in which you will talk to an examiner who is a native English speaker or close to him, and finally, you will need to write an essay or letters in English to also evaluate your writing skills.

Since there are many types of questions and assignments, IELTS not only evaluates your language skills but also evaluates your test-taking skills. Therefore, if you want to pass the test successfully and get the desired score in the group, you will need to practice your test-taking skills along with improving your English.

Recognition of the IELTS test

The IELTS exam is recognized by many educational institutions in the UK, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, South Africa, Ireland
and many major universities and institutes that teach English in various countries of the world in general, besides the Immigration Department in New Zealand and the General Medical Council in Britain, 

and the IELTS certificate is accepted by more than 6,000 different institutions All over the world, which proves the great importance of this test.

IELTS test quality assurance

The quality of the IELTS test is guaranteed by the British Council and the Australian IDP Foundation, as well as the University of Cambridge, as announced, 

and each of them guarantees the availability of an application for all nationalities in order for the test content to be produced in English according to accurate international standards, and therefore the test does not include any bias, whether cultural or linguistic.

Types of IELTS test

There are Foor (4) types of IELTS tests:

Academic test: 

This is a test designed for international students who want to study at higher education institutions in English-speaking countries.

General training test: 

This test is suitable for everyone who wants to immigrate to an English – speaking country or work in an English – speaking professional organization. 
There are four parts to this test, namely (listening – speaking – reading – writing). Each of them is designed to measure academic skills and general skills.

What is the IELTS for UKVI?

The IELTS for UKVI test is used in UK visa applications since ordinary IELTS does not meet the UK Home Office requirements. So if you are looking to work or study in the UK, this is the IELTS test that you need to take. Just like ordinary IELTS, IELTS for UKVI is also offered in two formats: Academic and General Training. 

The IELTS UKVI Academic and General Training tests are suitable for you if you’re applying for Tier 1 and Tier 2 visas to the United Kingdom. Aside from this, IELTS UKVI is no different than the IELTS test. Both tests have the same format, the same scoring, the same difficulty, and the same structure.

What is the IELTS for Life Skills?

IELTS Life Skills is a variation of the IELTS test for people who need to prove their English skills at Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Levels A1, A2, or B1. Unlike the ordinary IELTS and IELTS UKVI, you don’t get a score in IELTS for Life Skills, but only a Pass or Fail result. A fail result means that you have not been successful in the test and your test cannot be used for your visa application.

IELTS Life Skills is available at three levels: A1, A2, or B1. You need to choose the level before taking the test. IELTS for life skills tests is not offered in as many test centers as the ordinary IELTS so you need to make sure if this test is offered in your country before considering it. You can see a list of all available IELTS tests in each country here ( Click here to see it ).

IELTS test sections

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IELTS test sections

The IELTS test consists of four parts:

1. Listening: 

It is a 30-minute test with 40 questions that the person must answer clearly. As for the content, the person will be tested on some pieces to understand specific areas and some general and comprehensive areas in the English language. So, you should know these important things:

Duration: 30 minutes

You will listen to four recordings of native English speakers, and then write down your answers to a number of questions.

Recording 1: a conversation between two people taking place in an everyday social context.

Recording 2: is a monologue delivered in an everyday social context, for example, a speech about local objects.

Recording 3: a conversation between four people taking place in an educational or learning context, for example, a university lecturer and a student discussing a task.

Recording 4: This is a monologue on an academic topic, for example, a university lecture.

Experts will look for evidence of your ability to understand the main ideas and detailed factual information, the opinions and attitudes of the speakers, the purpose of the statement, and evidence of your ability to follow the development of ideas.
In the IELTS paper exam, candidates are given 10 minutes after receiving answers to questions to review their answers and transfer them to the answer sheet. However, in the IELTS computer exam, translation time is not provided, and candidates have only 2 minutes after answering the questions to review their answers.

2. Reading test: 

This test consists of forty questions such as the listening test, while the content is through understanding a detailed text besides proving to the person that he has already understood the complex information contained in this text. So, you should know these important things:

Duration: 60 minutes

The Reading component consists of 40 questions, designed to test a wide range of reading skills. These include reading for gist, reading for main ideas, reading for detail, skimming, understanding logical arguments, and recognizing writers’ opinions, attitudes, and purpose.

IELTS General Training test:  this includes extracts from books, magazines, newspapers, notices, advertisements, company handbooks, and guidelines. These are materials you are likely to encounter on a daily basis in an English-speaking environment.

IELTS Academic test: this includes three long texts which range from descriptive and factual to discursive and analytical. These are taken from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers.  They have been selected for a non-specialist audience but are appropriate for people entering university courses or seeking professional registration.

3. Writing test: 

It is a test called the writing test in training, the duration of this test is a full hour and consists of two parts and the person is expected to use the English language in this test for a variety of purposes and to show how he can adapt written English to suit a variety of different topics and how to use words, grammar, and links, and this is what is very useful in Evaluation. So, you should know these important things:

Duration: 60 minutes

Writing test for the General IELTS Training Test: Topics of common interest. There are two tasks:

Task 1: you will be presented with the situation and asked to write a letter requesting information or explaining the situation. The note can be personal, semi-official, or formal in style.

Task 2: You will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem. An essay can be quite personal in style.

Writing test for the IELTS Academic Test: The topics are of general interest and are suitable for test takers entering undergraduate and postgraduate studies or seeking professional registration. There are two tasks:

Task 1: you will be presented with a graph, table, diagram, or schematic image, and you will be asked to describe, summarize or explain the information in your own words. You may be asked to describe and explain the data, the stages of the process, how something works, or describe an object or event.

Task 2: You will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem. The answers to both tasks should be designed in a formal style.

4. Conversation & Speaking test :

The last Test, which despite its short duration of about 15 minutes includes three parts, and this test is the same for examinees, whether for academic purposes or for the purpose of general training, 

and this section of the IELTS test contains an interview that covers a wide range of topics that a person must understand and answer and talk about some personal topics In addition to contributing to a bilateral discussion on some specific issues, a large selection of IELTS test forms can be accessed through the official website of the British cultural center  ( official website ) So, you should know these important things:

Duration: 11-14 minutes

The speaking component evaluates your use of spoken English. The answers of the test takers are recorded.

Part 1: The examiner will ask you general questions about yourself and a number of familiar topics, such as home, family, work, studies, and interests. This part lasts from four to five minutes.

Part 2: you will be given a card in which you will be asked to talk about a certain topic. You will have one minute to prepare before speaking for two minutes. The examiner then asks one or two questions on the same topic.

Part 3: You will be asked additional questions on the topic in Part 2. This will give you the opportunity to discuss more abstract ideas and problems. This part of the test lasts from four to five minutes.

What are IELTS grades?

What you should know is that the IELTS exam has no success or failure, but after the person passes the English language test, he will be evaluated based on his performance on this test and will be awarded a grade or rating, which we explain to you in the following paragraphs of this article, knowing that the ratings are from the lowest to the highest.
  1. Non-practicing “non-user
  2.  Intermittent practitioner “intermittent user
  3.  Very limited practitioner “extremely limited user
  4.  Limited practitioner, “limited user
  5.  Modest practitioner “modest user
  6.  Competent practitioner “competent user
  7.  A good practitioner is a “Good user
  8.  Very good practitioner, “very good user
  9. Expert practitioner or excellent practitioner, “Expert user

IELTS admission scores

The admission degrees required by universities are usually between 6 and 7 degrees, which are between a competent practitioner and a good practitioner, and the degree varies depending on the specialty and stage of the study

Anyone who wants to study at an educational institution in the United States, the United Kingdom, or Australia must achieve a good score on the IELTS test, which is usually from 6 to 7 grades

Anyone who wants to enter a major study such as studying medicine needs to get 7 grades on the IELTS exam Must be at least a good practitioner in order to be accepted, and must check the requirements of each institution or study organization before applying.

How much does the IELTS test cost?

The IELTS English language test cost is currently about 235 euros, which varies depending on the country and its exchange rate. 

The price of the IELTS exam can be calculated by the country's currency through this link.

In the end, we wish everyone good luck and success in the IELTS English language test. You can find out more information on our website about the other international test and exams, with all that you need to know about immigration and visa.
