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Immigration To Australia: 12 Things To Consider 2023 - 2024

Many youths aspire to travel to Australia, either for the purpose of study or for permanent settlement there. This is not excluded, given Australia's high standards of living, and attractive job and educational opportunities. 

If Australia is your next destination, then this article is for you!... 

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Immigration To Australia
Today we have compiled for you a list of the most important things you need to know before immigrating to Australia.

1. Australia is a giant country

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Australia is a giant country
Australia has an area of more than three million square miles, and to better illustrate the picture, it is roughly the size of all of Europe.

It's a wholly separate and independent continent, and you'll need more than just a few months to explore it.
Make sure during your stay in it to roam as much as possible and enjoy its different cities and regions.

2. The weather is very fickle

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In the different regions of Australia, some believe that the weather in Australia is the same in all regions and cities.

Clear weather and hot weather everywhere, all year round. However, we regret to inform you that this information is not true.

When it's summer in the south, the northern regions experience rain and humid weather. Brisbane, for example, is known for its tropical climate, while Melbourne is known to have four seasons per day!

In fact, some Australian cities witness snowfall that may exceed that of Switzerland and European countries.

3. Beware of the sun's rays

When the sun is shining in Australia, it is shining very strongly, as temperatures in some areas can reach 40 degrees Celsius in the summer. 
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Indeed, recent heat waves have melted the paved roads in Sydney! And it claimed the lives of many young bats. Make sure to take precautions before going outside, so you don't get heat stroke.

4. The ozone layer is different in Australia

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Temperatures aren't the only thing to be aware of, humans need the ozone layer to protect themselves from harmful UV rays.
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However, this layer is very thin over the continent of Australia, which increases the rate of harmful rays reaching this continent, and here you have to be more careful and make sure to protect your body by wearing hats and using protective creams and other means of protection.

5. Fires are common in Australia

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When conditions are right, fires burn across large parts of rural Australia. Unfortunately, conditions are often conducive to such disasters, as the country experiences more than 50,000 forest fires every year. Strong winds and high temperatures make Australia's dry vegetation ideal fuel for a fire.

So you have to be careful, be sure to remove fallen tree leaves around your house constantly to prevent such disasters from happening.

6. Make sure to walk to the left

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You sure know that Australians drive left, but did you know that they drive left too?!
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The rules of the road apply not only to motorists but to pedestrians as well. It is not wrong to walk on the right side of the road, but in this case, you will be followed by the gaze of other pedestrians.
So be sure to walk to the left if you don't want to look like an asshole in Australia.

7. Random crossing of the street is a crime punishable by law

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Contrary to what is common in other countries to cross the street anytime and anywhere, doing such an act is considered a crime in Australia, and if you commit it, you will have to pay a fine of up to 70 Australian dollars.

To avoid this, you only need to cross the street in the designated places, such as a pedestrian crossing, a tunnel, or a pedestrian bridge. And if you can't find one, keep walking until you find it!

8. Australian life isn't just about the city

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Over 90% of Australians live in cities, so it's no wonder Australian cities get all the attention, but big cities aren't all you can find there.

This giant country has many amazing natural areas that will captivate you once you get away from the cities.Like Uluru or Kata Tjuta.

You may have to live without air conditioning for a while, but rest assured that your trip will be worth the sacrifice!

9. Australians love their coffee

When international coffee shops like Starbucks fail to compete with local coffee shops, you will realize how much the country's people care about coffee and care about its quality.

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Yes... Starbucks closed more than 70% of its stores in Australia in 2008 due to its failure to match the local coffee shops.

Australians care a lot about handcrafted coffee, and they don't like big coffee machines. They also love to learn more about their strength, and a cup of cappuccino in a café is of no importance without a deep conversation with the barista about its origins and proper preparation.

10. Kangaroo is not a special animal

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The kangaroo is the symbol of Australia, and you might think it gets special treatment. This strange animal that bounces all the time, and whose young are among the cutest creatures around the world, is abundant in Australia.

However, this is not the case, the relationship between Australians with kangaroos is somewhat complicated.
Since there are more than a million kangaroos in the country, they can sometimes become a source of problems due to the damage they cause to crops and the accidents they cause due to their sudden appearance on the roads.

Don't be surprised, then, if Australians don't show you their love for this animal, and don't be surprised if you find it on their menus, as kangaroo meat is one of the famous and favorite dishes of Australians.

11. Labor law is very fair

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Australians care a lot about workers' rights. Australia was at the forefront of countries reducing working hours to 40 hours per week. 

The minimum wage in Australia is the highest in the world, at $9.54 an hour.
Also, the value of taxes paid by low-wage-earners is very low compared to the rest of the developed countries in the world.

Is this not a compelling reason to think about immigration to Australia?!

12. Smoking is very expensive

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If you are a smoker and want to immigrate to Australia, we advise you to quit immediately, because you will need real wealth to be able to cover the costs of smoking there.

Smokers pay about $0.7 in tax on each cigarette, and the tax is expected to rise by 12% shortly bringing the price of a pack of tobacco to about $40! Fantastic amount, isn't it? But it is a successful way to reduce the number of smokers, whose number has halved since 1980.

These were some interesting facts about Australia that you must know before traveling there. Which of them was the most surprising fact? 

Is there any other information that you know about Australia that you find strange or surprising? 

Share your opinions with us through the comments, 

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