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Canada 500,000 immigrants | Canada Plans to Welcome 500,000 Immigrants by 2025

The Canadian government plans to accept 500,000 immigrants by 2025
Canada recently published its immigration levels plan for 2023-2025, which aims to invite 465,000 new immigrants in 2023, 485,000 immigrants in 2024, and 500,000 new immigrants in 2025. The country has broken its all-time immigration record by asking (inviting) more than 405,000 immigrants in 2021 and is looking forward to welcoming approximately 432,000 immigrants this year.
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The Immigration Levels Plan serves as a guideline for determining the number of immigrants Canada plans to accept each year. Canada's immigration goals include economic growth, family reunification, and providing asylum to refugees fleeing hardship abroad.

Express Entry and PNP targets will increase

Economy class programs, such as Express Entry programs or Provincial Nomination Programs (PNP), make up the majority of new permanent residents. The targets for express entry landings will increase as follows:

  •   82,880 in 2023
  • 109,020 in 2024
  • 114,000 in 2025
The Provincial Nominees Program (PNP) will remain Canada's leading economic-class immigrant admissions program, and targets will also increase to:

  • 105,500 in 2023
  • 110,000 in 2024
  • 117,500 in 2025

Increasing the number of applicants to PGP

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) are also authorized to unite families. After economy class programs, family class sponsorship is the second largest permanent residence class provided by the Immigration Levels Plan. 

In family immigration programs, the spouse, partner, child, or other family members sponsor the applicant for permanent residence. Canada will continue to strive to accept 80,000 new immigrants per year through the Spouses, Partners, and Children program.

The number of participants in the program for parents and grandparents will reach 28,500 in 2023, 34,000 in 2024, and 36,000 in 2025.

The number of refugees and humanitarian workers is expected to decrease 

Refugees and humanitarian class immigrants also have allocations in accordance with the immigration levels plan. Canada provides asylum to displaced persons from unsafe countries. Thanks to its ongoing efforts to complete several campaigns, such as the admission of 40,000 Afghan refugees, Canada sets high humanitarian goals. 
During 2023 and 2024, the overall target for the refugee category will be just over 76,000 new arrivals before dropping to 72,750 in 2025. As for the humanitarian class, the target is expected to decrease from almost 16,000 in 2023 to 8,000 by 2025.

So, In conclusion 

Canada to add 500,000 immigrants in 2025

Immigrants are necessary to ensure the economic prosperity of the country, the minister says

Canada plans to accept 500,000 immigrants in 2025 to ensure the country's economic prosperity, Immigration Minister Sean Fraser said on Tuesday.

This is in addition to the 465,000 immigrants Canada expects to receive next year, compared to the 400,000 who arrived last year.

Fraser said the numbers are needed to fill vacancies. Right now, officials say there are about a million vacancies in Canada, where the population is aging.
A significant number of these immigrants will need to have the skills or experience to fill these vacant jobs.

The Business Council of Canada (BCC) agreed that immigration levels in the economic category are necessary to maintain a good standard of living for Canadians.

"Every vacant vacancy means one less person contributing to Canada's economic growth and one less person paying taxes to support Canada's social infrastructure," Goldie Haider, president, and CEO of BCC said in a statement.

The BCC said two-thirds of its members had suspended projects due to a shortage of workers. In addition, 30% of the participants said that they transferred their work outside of Canada for the same reason.

But other forms of immigration will also be included. The number of those who will come to reunite with family members already in Canada will increase from 106,000 in 2023 to 118,000 in 2025.

The number of accepted refugees will decrease moderately from 76,000 in 2023 to just under 73,000 in 2025.

Despite the slight reduction, the UN praised Canada for its number of refugees.

"The United Nations Refugee Agency welcomes Canada's continued commitment to refugee resettlement as part of its overall plan to increase immigration," Rema Jamus Imseis, representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Canada, said in a statement to the media.

According to the Canadian press, immigrants currently make up about 23% of Canada's 38 million population.
