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Use Google Find My Device To Find, Lock, Erase Your Device

How to Use Google Find My Device To Find, Lock, Erase Your Device, Google Find My Device may alter the lock screen PIN via the My Device online app. This is often no longer an option. Now, use the web or a few different devices to locate your missing smartphone or tablet, and send a message on the screen when someone discovers it.

You may also use Google discover my device to unlock your phone. This method also deletes all of the data on your Android smartphone. You couldn't find your device once it was wiped.

Use Google Find My Device To Find, Lock, Erase Your Device
Use Google Find My Device To Find, Lock, Erase Your Device

You can also see how much battery life your phone has left and the Wi-Fi network it's linked to. There are a few unique ways to track down an out-of-place Android smartphone, however My device is the simplest solution, and it will work on all phones outside the box.

1. Requirements To Use Google Find My Device

Requirements To Use Google Find My Device

  1. Look for my gadget on
  2. Turned on the location
  3. I'm logged into my Google account.
  4. Wi-Fi or mobile data connection
  5. Device is turned on

2. Find your phone using Google Find My Device

If you misplace your phone, you may use the Find My Device website to track it down remotely. To figure out where My device is, you'll need to log into your Google Account. This may take a few seconds, but the service must be prepared to track your smartphone.

  1. To begin, go to the Find My Device page.
  2. Sign in to your Google account in this stage.
  3. After that, make sure your device is visible.

3. Google Device Settings & Options

  1. Turn on your smartphone if it is turned off.
  2. Connect to the internet using your laptop or PC.
  3. Visit the Google My Device web page in your browser.
  4. On an Android smartphone, log in using your Google account.
  5. Then there will undoubtedly be three options [Play Sound, Lock, and Erase].

Play Sound Google Device Settings & Options

Play Sound Google Device Settings & Options

  • Press the Play Sound button to ring your phone. Stop your phone from ringing by pressing the stop option.


  • To assist people who have found your missing smartphone, lock it, set or update your password, and display the message on the remaining screen.

Lock Google Device Settings & Options

  1. Select the option for a secure device.
  2. The recovery message and phone number will then be shown.
  3. Type the recovery message and phone number in this stage.
  4. Finally, select the secure device option.

What happens when you secure device in Find My Device?

Play Sound: Even if your Android is set to silent, you can make it play a sound. If you believe your smartphone has been lost or stolen, you can lock it remotely. You may customize the lock screen with a message and a phone number in case someone discovers it and wants to return it.


Select this option to reset your Android device. certain techniques Reset your phone to clear all of your data, including your settings, Google account, machine and app information, downloaded applications, music, and photos.

Erase Google Device Settings & Options

  1. Select the Erase device option in this stage.
  2. After that, select the Erase all data option.
  3. Then confirm the Erase option.
  4. It will erase all of your information from your phone.
  5. In the end, the gadget was successfully unlocked.

What happens when you erase device on Find My phone Android?

Device to erase: All data on your phone is permanently deleted (but might not delete SD cards). Find My Device will not operate on the phone once you wipe it. Important:

If you discover your phone after wiping it, you'll almost certainly need your Google Account password to access it. Learn how to secure your device.

Before the deleting process begins, you'll be asked to check in to your Google Account.

4. How do I find Google device settings?

  1. To get to these options, take these steps:
  2. Touch and hold the Home button on your phone or tablet.
  3. Tap the icon in the upper right corner.
  4. Select Explore and then the icon.
  5. Select Settings.
  6. Under Devices, choose a device.

5. Can I find my Android phone if location is turned off?

Is it possible to locate my Android phone if the location feature is disabled?
If your Android smartphone is switched off, you may utilize the location history data to find out where it was last recorded. This implies you might be able to locate your phone even if the battery has died.

What is erase device in Google find my device?

  • Play sound: 
    • Rings your phone at full volume for 5 minutes, even if it's set to silent or vibrate.
  • Secure device: 
    • Locks your phone with your PIN, pattern, or password. ...
  • Erase device: 
    • Permanently deletes all data on your phone (but might not delete SD cards).

6. Does Google find my device erase data?

Using Google Find My Device. It will erase everything on your device. Because this is essentially a factory reset, you won't be able to utilize Find My Device to find your smartphone once you do this.

7. Is it true that a factory reset disables Find My iPhone?

Find My Phone is not disabled by a factory reset. Only turning it off before restoring the device, or having the Apple ID password that enabled it.

8. Is it possible to track a phone that is off?

However, tracing a switched off phone is more challenging since it stops connecting with adjacent mobile towers when it is turned off. Only by phoning the service provider or using Google services can it be tracked back to its last known location when it was turned on.

9. Does erasing iPhone really delete everything?

When you select Erase All Content and Settings, your device is fully erased, including any credit or debit cards you've added for Apple Pay, as well as any images, contacts, music, or applications. iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, Game Center, and other services will also be disabled.

10.Can a IMEI be traced?

An IMEI number may be used to monitor a mobile phone and determine its exact location. The mobile operator, law enforcement authorities (such as the police), or third-party apps may all track IMEIs. The IMEI information is stored in EIR, a mobile operator-managed database.
