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Easiest 8 Steps to Optimize your Website SEO in 2022-2023

 SEO is an abbreviation for "search engine optimization." In layman's words, it refers to the process of upgrading your website so that it appears more prominently when people search for items or services connected to your company on Google, Bing, and other search engines. 

The higher the exposure of your pages in search results, the more likely you are to draw attention and attract new and existing clients to your company.

Easiest 8 Steps to Optimize your Website SEO in 2022-2023
Easiest 8 Steps to Optimize your Website SEO in 2022-2023

What is the process of SEO? & How does it work?

Bots are used by search engines such as Google and Bing to crawl websites, moving from site to site, collecting information about those pages, and indexing them. 

Consider the index to be a massive library where a librarian may pull up a book (or a web page) to assist you in finding exactly what you're searching for at the time.

Following that, computers examine pages in the index, taking hundreds of ranking variables or signals into consideration, to decide the order in which pages should show in search results for a particular query. In our library analogy, the librarian has read every single book in the library and knows which one will hold the answers to your questions.

Our SEO success characteristics may be viewed as proxy indicators for components of the user experience. It's how search bots determine how effectively a website or web page can provide the searcher with what they're looking for.

Unlike sponsored search advertisements, you cannot pay search engines to improve your organic search rankings, therefore SEO specialists must put in the effort. That's where we can help.

Our Periodic Table of SEO Criteria categorizes the factors and weights them depending on their overall value to SEO. Content quality and keyword research, for example, are essential aspects of content optimization, while craw lability and speed are crucial site architectural considerations.

The freshly revised SEO Periodic Table also contains a list of Toxins that are detrimental to SEO best practices. These are shortcuts or tactics that may have been sufficient to ensure a high ranking back when the engines' methods were far less advanced. And they could even work for a little while longer – at least until you are caught.

We've also added a new Niches section that delves into the SEO success criteria for three main niches: local SEO, news/publishing SEO, and e-commerce SEO. While our general SEO Periodic Table can assist you with recommended practices, understanding the subtleties of SEO for each of these Niches will help you flourish in search results for your small company, food blog, and/or online shop.

Step 1: Examine all of your website's data

One piece of data may not tell you anything on its own, but as you accumulate a large amount of data, you begin to detect patterns.

You may not have an issue if a few visitors visit your site but do not click on your CTA.

If, on the other hand, a substantial majority of visitors disregard your CTA, you may need to make some changes.

User behavior reports and statistics from Google Search Console assist to provide a clear picture. User behavior reports, for example, show you how visitors act once they arrive on your site, whereas GSC data captures critical parameters such as the number of sessions, the number of unique sessions, the bounce rate, and more.

Look for certain trends in the data. Referral sources might reveal a lot about your target audience. How are visitors discovering your website? Look for pages that receive a higher volume of traffic and conversions than others. Reverse-engineer the success of that page to reproduce it across your site.

Step 2: Conduct extensive keyword research

Years ago, you could select a keyword at random, create a 300-word essay on it, and rank for it the next day. SEO no longer works in this manner.

Tools like Ubersuggest can assist you in locating keywords related to your brand and specialty. Use it to uncover long-tail keywords that match the user intent of your prospective clients. Consider why they would search for a specific term and what they would expect to see on a page about it.

Begin by using a wide term. For example, if you provide dog boarding, you may start with a term like "dog kennels."

Ubersuggest will provide a list of keywords that you may filter in a variety of ways. You're seeking long-tail keywords that will help you reach a certain target.

Repeat this process as you add more pages to your website. Write lengthy, in-depth essays that cover as much ground as feasible.

Step 3: Create material that is both long and valuable

The recommended length for a blog article, according to Buffer, is 1,600 words. However, this is only the beginning point.

Before you decide on the best length for your article, Google it and look at the top ten results in the SERPs. Is it true that some of those pages are more than 1,600 words? Then yours should be as well.

Length alone isn't everything. It does, however, convey to Google that you are supplying additional information. If a large number of visitors spend a long time on that page — reading all the way to the finish — you're more likely to rank higher.

Step 4: Optimize your website for on-page SEO

On-page SEO describes how to optimize your website while creating certain pages. This category includes elements like headlines, subheadlines, URL slugs, and meta tags.

Use your major term in your headline, ideally at the beginning. It should occur in the slug as well as at least one subheadline. Aim for.5 percent to 2.5 percent throughout the body copy. To avoid seeming like a keyword stuffer, try not to exceed the upper limit.

Your primary and related keywords should be sprinkled throughout your body copy, subheadlines, and image alt text. Include enough context for each so that Google understands exactly what you're talking about.

Step 5: Optimize your website for off-page SEO

Off-page SEO, also known as off-site SEO, refers to the methods used to improve your website through external sources. Guest blogging, social media engagement, influencer marketing, and brand mentions may all help to boost the SEO of your website.

We'll go into backlinks in more detail later, but links, in general, can make a major impact in SEO. You don't want links from low-authority websites. They will not assist (and they can hurt). When looking for backlinks, you should instead focus on well-known publications.

Step 6: Make the website mobile-friendly

With an increasing number of consumers visiting websites through mobile devices, you don't want to leave prospective conversions out in the cold. Furthermore, Google has created the mobile-first index, which indicates that focusing on mobile-friendliness may help you rank higher.

The most straightforward approach is responsive design. You can get free and premium WordPress themes with built-in responsive design, so you don't have to bother about adding any extra code.

Step 7: Accelerate the pages (Speed up)

Page speed is important for both SEO and conversions. If you go to a website that takes longer to load, you'll most likely hit the "back" button and go somewhere else. Similarly, if you're filling out a form and it won't submit because of sluggish internet, you'll soon give up.

Google's PageSpeed Insights provides useful information about how quickly your site loads across all devices and what particular things you can do to make your site quicker.

Step 8: Obtain high-quality backlinks

Backlinks are an important aspect in improving your website's ranking. When high-quality sites connect to yours, Google takes the link as an indicator of the legitimacy of your site. Your pages will rise in the rankings as you create a strong backlink profile.

Obtaining high-quality backlinks takes time and work, but the returns will be worth it. Consider contacting influencers and other bloggers in your niche through email. Share your article with them and direct them to a page where you've featured some of their stuff.

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