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5 Steps Before Hiring A Virtual Assistant

More and more often, I hear the phrase "virtual assistant" being thrown around in the world of business. It's true! For $8 to $12 per hour, you can hire someone to work while you sleep on another continent.

One VA I work with holds an MBA in Business Administration. $15.00 per hour is a deal for me.

5 Steps Before Hiring a Virtual Assistant5 Steps Before Hiring a Virtual Assistant

What it means to be a virtual assistant has changed as well, as the number of virtual assistants has grown.

Virtual assistants are characterized by their founders and executives, as well as what they are not. Remember this while discussing your business to others.

Understanding the Functions of a Virtual Assistant

What a Virtual Assistant Can Do

What was once referred to be a home-based company is now called a virtual assistant. All virtual assistants are required to adhere to the same standards.
To summarize: A Virtual Assistant performs a wide variety of tasks while adhering to a set of rules that have been established during the previous ten years.

Virtuality is the first factor that is considered while defining what a virtual assistant is. If you do not work from home or from a distant location, you are not considered a virtual assistant.

A temporary or telecommuting employment is viewed as more appropriate. Virtual assistants must be able to work from anywhere.

The second aspect of being a virtual assistant is underlined in the job description.

Virtual assistants dislike the idea of being compared to secretaries and freelancers. Part-time workers who are classified as independent contractors are considered freelancers.

Another type of employee is the secretary, who does not work with the same customer continuously. Assisting a firm in establishing a strong and long-term connection is the goal of a virtual assistant.

Here are five " 5 " things to think about when hiring a virtual assistant : 

1. Professionalism 


Is the number one position. Answering emails, voicemails, and another contact promptly and professionally is the VA's goal.

As a result, it is essential that they possess the appropriate abilities so that they do not keep you or a deadline waiting. To illustrate their deadliness, give them a hidden assignment.

2. Project administration

Project administration

The ability to juggle many tasks is crucial in today's world. Now that we are tapping our feet in front of the microwave, we need to get things done.

An individual who is incapable of handling numerous projects at once should go on. This will only become apparent if you fail to complete "the big deal."

3. Accessibility


Many of these employees work simultaneously for numerous customers. As an employer, it's rare for you to be part of a VA funnel system.

You go down the funnel as they accept better contracts from new virtual employers.

Always keep in mind that you and your project may be terminated at the last minute. Recruitment of new virtual assistants is also a good idea. Divide your work amongst two or more virtual assistants to get around this problem.

4. Put it to the test

Put it to the test

You should offer the VA a modest assignment to work on before you sign a contract with him or her. In addition, I assign at least two jobs that should be completed for a total of $30-$40.

The work must be done correctly and to my total satisfaction before I will even consider hiring this person.

Just hire the first few individuals you see. Please choose at least 10 people and give tasks to two of them before you recruit the first person you see. As a result, you'll waste money if you don't do these duties.

5. Ask for references

Ask for references

Are there others who have worked with the VA who you might contact for references?

Being in business with a company and making it their business is what most virtual assistants seek to do.

This goes above and beyond the requirements of any temporary or telecommuting employment. Virtual assistants can also do tasks outside of the boundaries of office job descriptions.

Your personal interactions with companies will benefit from your understanding of the virtual assistant rules.

6. Virtual Assistance Benefits and Advantages

Virtual Assistance Benefits and Advantages

When other professionals need help with their work, a virtual assistant can help. They're called virtual since they're based in a remote location.

Clients are contacted by phone, fax, email, and snail-mail. As a company owner, hiring a virtual assistant may help you save time, money, and energy.

Most importantly, you'll have more time to focus on what you do best: operating a business.

    6.1. You don't have to provide a physical workspace for your employees

  • As a virtual assistant, you may work from your home or office. A home-based business or a small office can benefit from this.

    6.2. You do not need to provide costly equipment

  • Virtual assistants use their own equipment to provide services to you. Particularly if the virtual assistant has access to the equipment you do not. Office equipment repair and upkeep are also taken care of for you.

    6.3. You save time by not doing jobs that you don't have time for or are unable to do

  • As a business owner, working on your business is the greatest and best use of your time.
  • Entrusting administrative chores like site design, bookkeeping, writing, shopping cart setup, and other work to others can allow you to spend more time growing your business or developing connections with customers or clients.

    6.4. You are not responsible for payroll, taxes, or benefits

  • To save time on tax paperwork and compliance issues, independent contractors might hire a virtual assistant.
  • You may also hire someone for specific work and pay them on an hourly or project basis.
  • In comparison, it is far more cost-effective to hire a full-time employee, who may or may not be fully employed.

    6.5. By finally having the time to focus on your company's most significant concerns, you can accelerate growth

  • Business administration may be a burden for even a one-person operation.
  • Your virtual assistant may help you develop your business rapidly by concentrating your attention on it and delegating everything else.

    6.6. You have the freedom to work on developing and strengthening your professional and personal skills, knowledge, and relationships 

  • As a business, we have a vision. Due to time constraints, we are unable to meet the goals that support this vision.
  • Our lives will be richer and more enjoyable with the help of a virtual assistant.

    6.7. Having a companion to bounce ideas off allows you to make better decisions 

  • As a solopreneur, having an assistant is a tremendous advantage. You may benefit from their talents, expertise, and background by gaining a fresh perspective on your company's challenges and responsibilities. There's a lot of truth to the saying "two heads are better than one".

    6.8. You may relax knowing that the details are being taken care of

  • A large number of business owners get caught up in the nitty-gritty details. Rent must be paid, phone calls returned, the customer database updated, and items must be sent.
  • Hundreds of details must be remembered and managed, causing mental and physical exhaustion. If you assign these tasks to your assistant, you'll do more in less time and with less stress.

    6.9. You can finally run your business instead of having it run you

  • After a while, we start to feel like our business is running us rather than the other way around.
  • It might be tough to do anything when we are overburdened with duties.
  • We can avoid becoming stuck by working with a virtual assistant. In lieu of that, we may remain focused on our goals and in control of our organization.

    6.10. You have the flexibility to take on new and hard tasks

  • Because your administrative duties will be handled by a virtual assistant, it will free up your time for new initiatives that will benefit you and your company.
  • It's possible that your abilities and creativity will shine when you're not bogged down in minutiae, overworked, or distracted by tasks that aren't directly related to serving clients.
