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10 Important Reasons To Switch To Linux

As a result, Linux is widely used Among open-source operating systems, Linux is the most widely recognized and frequently used. Because it is a computer operating system, Linux is responsible for delivering requests from other applications to the machine's hardware.

10 Important Reasons To Switch To Linux10 Important Reasons To Switch To Linux

1. It isn't prone to crashing

It isn't prone to crashing

A reliable operating system, Linux has been around for many years. Servers and embedded systems have been the primary use of Linux on desktop computers for many years.

In addition to Google and other high-profile Internet companies that employ Linux-based systems, TiVo set-top boxes are also running Linux.

For this reason, Linux is often found in dedicated firewalls and routers used to protect the networks of high-profile organizations.

Over the past ten years, Linux systems have been known to operate for months or even years without needing to be restarted at all.

2. Viruses are uncommon

Viruses are uncommon

It is feasible for a virus to attack Linux systems, although the system's design makes penetration extremely difficult.

As long as the virus is isolated, it will not propagate.

All Linux firms also provide their clients with free online security updates. Instead of waiting for a vulnerability to go undiscovered, the Linux community's security strategy focuses on addressing potential security issues before they become a problem.

3. Virtually hardware-agnostic

Virtually hardware-agnostic

Linux was designed to be easily adaptable to a range of hardware platforms, and it has achieved this aim. 

Users of desktop computers may take comfort in the fact that Linux has always been and will continue to be the first operating system to take advantage of advances in hardware technology, such as AMD's 64-bit CPU chips.

4. The Right to Choose

The Right to Choose

Choosing a software maker and application bundle is up to you with Linux.

When it comes to choosing the service, you have a lot of options. A new manufacturer can enter the market since the software is open-source.

This means you may pick and choose the tools that best fit your needs from a variety of application packages.

Among them are three prominent word processors. However, each of these tools has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. The same is true of web browsers as well.

5. Requirements

Even Linux, which is widely used in the mainstream, adheres to open standards. Other systems will not become obsolete as a result of a system update.

6. Applications + Applications+Applications+Applications


Every Linux distribution comes with hundreds, if not thousands, of application applications. Simply configuring your desktop machines may save you thousands of dollars.

Considering that's office suite, GIMP, Scribus, Evolution, and hundreds of more programs are included, this is a relatively tiny portion of what's available.

For the more technically inclined, the program includes compilers for C, C++, Ada, Fortran, Pascal, and other languages, as well as Perl, PHP, and Python interpreters. Also included in this category are editors and versioning software.

No matter if you're seeking Instant Messaging clients or backup utilities, Linux is nearly likely to have them all.

7. Interoperability (#7)


Machines are increasingly connected to networks. Toolkits that allow computers to connect with machines running various operating systems are essential. Again, Linux excels in this area.

Microsoft Windows-based networks may be accessed using Samba, a piece of software that comes with Linux. A Linux system may serve a group of Linux and Windows-based client PCs using Samba's server capabilities.

Novell's Netware is also included in Linux. A UNIX-specific networking protocol, NFS, is also supported.

8. It's not a customer relationship, it's a community relationship

It's not a customer relationship, it's a community relationship

Several more operating systems are proprietary. Open-source operating systems such as Linux are available to vendors.

It's not just about one manufacturer anymore, it's about becoming part of an entire community. Instead of teaching a "one size fits all" mentality, the supplier community may simply adjust to the demands of diverse user groups.

Choosing a Linux supplier that best meets your demands is possible, and you may switch vendors at any moment without losing your investment, both monetarily and in terms of learning new technologies.

9. It Doesn't Matter How Powerful Your Processor Is

It Doesn't Matter How Powerful Your Processor Is

As a result of a combination of its internal architecture and development contributions from a large community, Linux tends to be more efficient in its utilization of computer resources.

However, the benefits go well beyond just a single desktop workstation that runs Linux quicker than another operating system. A single Linux machine might, for example, be configured as a terminal server, with outdated devices serving as thin clients.

An older, less powerful machine can share the resources of a single, powerful machine using this server/thin client configuration, thus prolonging its useful life.

10. Linux Can Be Customized

Linux Can Be Customized

Genuinely speaking, Linux is a multi-user operating system. Each user can have his or her own unique setup on a single computer.

This includes the look of the desktop, the icons displayed, the programs that immediately launch when the user signs in, and even the language in which the desktop is presented.

No Bill Schmendrick character telling you what you can and can't do will be present at any time, either.

Common Drawing Questions & Answers To Them

Is it worth switching to Linux?

In theory, Linux has the ability to be equally, if not even more, user-friendly than Windows. It's also a lot cheaper. In other words, I feel it is well worth someone's time if they are willing to put up the effort to learn something new

Is switching to Linux easy?

It is now quite easy to install Linux. Download your favorite distro's image on an 8GB USB drive, flash it, plug it into your target system, reboot, and follow the on-screen instructions, and you're finished. Solus and other distros with a familiar user interface are highly recommended for beginners.

How do I switch to Linux OS?

How to Make the Switch From Windows ---->>>>    to Linux

  • It's time to choose a distribution technique! Linux, on the other hand, does not have a single version, unlike Windows and macOS.
  • Make an installation drive that can be booted from. "Cinnamon" 64-bit Mint is available for download via Mint's download page.
  • How to Install Linux on Your Computer
  • Applications: Installing and Uninstalling

How hard is it to switch to Linux?

In today's world, installing Linux is easy, but having it "set up" the way you want it might be challenging, depending on your hardware, distribution, and preferences. As a result, Linux offers greater customization options than other operating systems.

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